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Why join us

With UFMC’s supportive culture that driven by optimism and belief that every person could grow; employees get a chance to network and build connections and become a part of an amazing community with qualified team where they get experience rapidly and become potential leaders.

Maintaining safety and general health of the employees is on the top of UFMC’s goals when practicing the manufacturing activities that insures processing with high safety standards. Beside the physical health, mental health is much manner that the company care about, through building homogeneous teams by offering social events, opening doors, listening, and ensuring that all our employees are working smoothly within UFMC umbrella.

UFMC transparent culture, reflected on our processing and led us to build consolidate strategic partners. Through the trust built out of the transparency, our product quality and provided supply chain services, it reinforced our relationships thereby our growth and sustainability that reflects on the job stability of our employees.

Our careers are beyond the expectation when the Internal transfers and promotions given are taking place, being our employee will give you the chance to be considered as the highest priority when filling up a vacant or new position within the UFMC that accelerate growth of our young Saudis working in all kinds of business areas.